
Karin Janina Schweizer, Head of Sales Microsoft Developer Tools & DevOps Offerings, Microsoft Germany
1. Why is it that the digital transformation especially offers women more job and career opportunities?
The digital transformation better facilitates flexible working, both physical and mental. Communication and information processes are becoming more efficient and more „always on“. Private and professional lives can be connected easily without giving up their distinction completely. New workplace models are becoming possible thanks to mobile and cloud technologies that finally meet the need to have "the right information, at the right time, at the right place". This allows for much more goal-driven and efficient work and leaves more time for other areas of life. Women - as well as men - who want to organize their professional lives in new ways that don’t revolve around the classic office hours can do this now very easily, resulting in new and more flexible job and career opportunities. A prerequisite is, however, that the company culture allows it. Microsoft supports such flexible models not just with the right technology but also with an appropriate work environment. Our office in Schwabing is a great example of how the new #worklifeflow is supported.
2. Why are qualities regarded as "typically female" in such demand in the digital age?
When we talk about digital transformation we tend to think only about technology. This is, however, just the smallest part and in many cases the last piece of the puzzle to complete the whole implementation. The basic requirement to really profit from the digital transformation is a change of culture which entails major process modifications. Classical models of hierarchy are a matter of the past. Managers have to learn to trust and empower their employees in whole new ways. Employees must be willing to take this responsibility. Working across teams and networking, communication skills, diplomacy, leadership without top-down instructions, regular coaching, listening and good emotional intelligence are extremely important. I have no idea if these are typically female qualities. I think it's important that a team, regardless of its level within the hierarchy, combines various competencies and is open to profit from each other’s differences.
3. In what ways can organizations change to further promote diversity?
Diversity is a behavioral shift. Many companies promote diversity in a superficial manner but they work, communicate and act in ways that do not match what they promote. This shows in the small details of everyday work: Are flexible working time models considerated by default when fixing dates or does it always have to be pointed out explicitly? Are various backgrounds considerated or are the basics regularly explained? Are differences regarded as something welcome or do they cause prejudices and create subtle obstacles in everyday work? Managers have to act here as important role models but eventually every single person in a company is partly responsible to ensure diversity is a business benefit to the team and the company.
4. How did you manage to be successful in a work environment dominated by men?
I have never thought much about it - I think exactly the way I would in a work environment not dominated by men. In the early stages of my professional career I often wondered if I should be more like xyz or act like abc. Eventually I realized that I'm most successful when I focus on my personal strengths and make sure I have a role that allows me to utilize and advance these strengths. I also have to be aware of my weaknesses and make sure that they don't hinder me, maybe by looking for colleagues who compensate for these weaknesses with their strengths or by actively working on my weakness. It's very important for me to have a job that I enjoy and that makes me feel that I can make a difference and be successful. Something that's always a big help for me in difficult situations is to exchange views with colleagues and mentors who I trust.
5. Why is Microsoft such an attractive employer for women and what is unique about Microsoft for women?
Microsoft offers a multitude of different job descriptions and career opportunities that have given me the chance to experience very contrasting roles and to advance myself in those roles. Microsoft is also very advanced with regard to flexible working and work-location models. My husband and I have a small son and it's very important for me to spend time with him during the week. Microsoft offers me a way to work very flexibly. Our IT equipment and communication tools help me work efficiently. On the other hand, I'm also flexible with the times I am able to work. My team knows that I can be reached at any time in case of emergencies, but they respect my working arrangements and even short phone calls are very rare. I'm still more relaxed because I know that I will be up-to-date in case something really critical happens. This mean, for me, on the days when I pick my son up from the day care center I'm able to completely focus on him until I put him to bed. When something has been left undone at work, I simply take care of it afterwards.
Dr. Christine Haupt, General Manager Services, Microsoft Germany
1. Why is it that the digital transformation especially offers women more job and career opportunities?
The digital transformation alone is no guarantee for better jobs and career opportunities, but it lays important foundations to blend personal, family and professional goals more easily. Mobile devices combined with cloud technologies for real-time videoconferencing, mobile access and exchange of documents and data create a work environment that no longer requires strict office hours, processes and compulsory co-location. This virtual work environment can be much more direct and efficient than working in an isolated single office. Many companies have realized this and create free space and flexibility for life plans and careers - that provide new chances especially for everyone.
2. Why are qualities regarded as "typically female" in such demand in the digital age?
The work environment is massively changing right now. Classic strict hierarchical management structures and top-down management principles are increasingly replaceable with corporate structures that operate more like networks and are partly autonomous. The similarities are based on the fact that in a networked economy information exchange and decisions of companies, partners and customers are increasingly provided in real-time. The outcome is that key qualifications such as collaboration, communication and team building skills have become even more important. I am not sure if these are "typically female" qualities - but on the other hand: many women that I know have strengths here.
3. In what ways can organizations change to further promote diversity?
It's not enough to just outwardly profess diversity and inclusion. It's equally important to actively promote it within a company. To apply it to all genders, faiths, ethnic origin, people with disabilities and age. This will be to the companies' own advantage eventually. Many studies have proven that mixed teams are more successful and it's confirmed by our own experiences and business results.
4. How did you manage to be successful in a work environment dominated by men?
I'm asked this question time and again but I still can't give definitive advice that others may follow. An important factor has always been enthusiasm and curiosity for what I'm doing! Combined with the will to understand things and to get to the bottom of something. I think in the end it's an individual‘s combination of expertise, communication skills and the ability to influence people and to lead. None of this are a question of gender today.
5. Why is Microsoft such an attractive employer for women and what is unique about Microsoft for women?
Microsoft is an attractive employer - not only for women. It's not by chance that we are regularly voted as one of the top employers. One reason apart from the economic incentives is that we are a leader in creating a flexible work environment. Two years ago we established the „trusted workplace“. Our employees decide for themselves where and when they work. We manage via goals and not via personal presence. At the same time, we run a multitude of mentoring programs that, among others, specifically advance female executives. Combined with our modern office and workplace concepts it all adds up to a "work-life flow" that's surely unique.

Christiane Noll, Austria Country Manager, Avanade
1. Why is it that the digital transformation especially offers women more job and career opportunities?
The digital transformation not only increases the efficiency of companies and processes; the increasing transition toward a digital workplace also provides employees with opportunities to work more flexibly and less place bound and to better balance their job with their personal needs. It has been difficult, nearly impossible in the past to advance your career and care for others or to undertake further education alongside a job at the same time. The digital transformation now provides new ways to better combine the various areas of life and to adjust your personal circumstances in such a way that career advancement, family and further education are no longer mutually exclusive.
2. Why are qualities regarded as "typically female" in such demand in the digital age?
We're currently in a very exciting phase of the digital transformation. No corporate division is excluded from this change. Many procedures and processes are completely revised, entire departments re-invented themselves anew. These transition phases especially require business change experts who introduce these changes into organizations in such a way that all employees are part of the change and regard the digital transition not as a threat but as an opportunity a chance for themselves and their organization. A prerequisite for a successful digital transformation are empathic individuals with high-developed skills in communication and organization who act as a vital link between technology and the organization.
3. In what ways do organizations have to change to further promote diversity?
The crucial point is not just to take up the cause of diversity but to actually live it in your daily routine. To take care as an organization that diversity is firmly established as a core value in the corporate culture is a first step, but the point is eventually to ask in each department and for each process: are we structured in such a way that diversity is not just allowed but rather promoted? Is diversity actually lived in the company's daily routine? How do we really actively promote a corporate structure to be as diverse as possible? Many organizations have not yet passed this practical application.
4. How did you manage to be successful in a work environment dominated by men?
I have never asked myself that question. It's all about contents and about togetherness. To see what is common, to work with fun and pleasure, regardless whether man or woman - these are the cornerstones of success.
5. Why is Avanade such an attractive employer for women and what is unique about Avanade for women?
Many websites and campaigns of large companies profess a strong urge to promote women. It's often sobering, however, to have a look at these companies' organizational charts. It's not like this with Avanade. We support women's professional advancement not just with initiatives and programs or with grants. It's also important that promoting women is reflected in our day-to-day corporate reality - not the least by means of flexible corporate structures and a multitude of networks and training opportunities. Our processes and structures are designed with a conscience and active inclusion of women. We're heading in the right direction and that is proven by our female talent and executives who daily help to advance our company and who are an important contribution to our success. Avanade has not just established the promotion of women as one of its corporate values but also implements it day-to-day.